Business Park Drive, Sacramento

Business Park Drive is a notable location hosting various facilities and businesses, providing a conducive environment for both office and industrial operations. Here is a detailed overview of its features, facilities, and contact information:

Business Park Drive

Facilities and Features

Business Park Drive is home to a variety of office buildings and industrial spaces, offering extensive amenities to support business activities. Key facilities include:

  • Office Buildings:
    • 9750 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827: This location operates Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and houses several departments of the Sacramento County, including child, family, and adult services.
  • Headquarters for Liberty Hardware:
    • 140 Business Park Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27107: This facility includes operational offices and product-related support services. Operating hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ET).

Contact Information

  • Sacramento Location:
    • Address: 9750 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827
    • Phone: Not explicitly provided, but general contact through Sacramento County services.
    • Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Liberty Hardware:
    • Address: 140 Business Park Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27107
    • Phone: Not provided on the main site, but product issues can be addressed through their contact portal.
    • Email: Not explicitly provided, but contact through.
    • Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (ET)

Google Maps Location

Pros and Cons


  1. Accessibility:
    • Both locations are easily accessible, with Sacramento’s Business Park Drive being close to major roadways and public services.
    • Liberty Hardware in Winston-Salem is situated in a strategic location, providing ease of access for business operations and customer support.
  2. Comprehensive Services:
    • Sacramento’s location hosts various public services, making it a one-stop center for numerous governmental services.
    • Liberty Hardware offers extensive support for product-related issues, enhancing customer satisfaction and business operations.
  3. Operational Efficiency:
    • Both locations have dedicated operating hours that align with standard business practices, ensuring consistent availability for business and public services.


  1. Limited Contact Information:
    • Specific contact numbers and emails are not prominently provided, which can be a drawback for immediate communication needs.
  2. Geographic Limitation:
    • The detailed services and facilities mentioned are specific to Sacramento, CA, and Winston-Salem, NC, which might not be relevant for businesses looking for services outside these regions.
  3. Operational Hours:
    • The standard operational hours might not accommodate businesses or individuals needing support outside the typical 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM timeframe.

Business Park Drive locations in Sacramento and Winston-Salem offer robust facilities and services, ideal for both public and private sector operations. The parks are strategically located and well-equipped to support a wide range of business activities​

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