Is Classmate an Indian Company?

Yes, Classmate is an Indian company. Classmate is a well-known brand of stationery products owned by ITC Limited, a major Indian conglomerate. The brand is recognized for its high-quality notebooks, pens, and other school supplies, making it a favorite among students across the country.

Classmate Company Information


Attribute Details
Founded 2003
Headquarters Kolkata, India
Key Products Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, Geometry Boxes, Art Supplies
Parent Company ITC Limited
Global Presence Primarily India, expanding internationally
Revenue Part of ITC’s $10 billion revenue (as of 2023)
Number of Employees Part of ITC’s 36,000+ employees

History of Classmate

Classmate was launched in 2003 by ITC Limited, one of India’s largest diversified conglomerates. ITC, originally known for its tobacco products, has successfully diversified into various sectors, including FMCG, hotels, paperboards, and packaging, agribusiness, and information technology.

Classmate was introduced as part of ITC’s education and stationery products division. The brand quickly gained popularity due to its high-quality products and innovative designs. Classmate notebooks, with their superior paper quality and attractive covers, became a hit among students.

The brand’s success can be attributed to its focus on quality and innovation. Classmate constantly updates its product range to meet the evolving needs of students. The brand also promotes environmental sustainability by using eco-friendly materials in its products.

Current Market Status

Today, Classmate is one of the leading stationery brands in India. It offers a wide range of products, including notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, geometry boxes, and art supplies. The brand is well-known for its high-quality notebooks, which come in various sizes and designs to cater to different student needs.

Classmate has a strong presence in the Indian market, with its products available in retail stores, supermarkets, and online platforms across the country. The brand’s popularity is further boosted by its effective marketing campaigns and association with educational initiatives.

In recent years, Classmate has expanded its product range to include more innovative and specialized stationery items. The brand’s commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability has helped it maintain a strong position in the highly competitive stationery market.

In conclusion, Classmate is a proud Indian company that has become a household name for stationery products. Its focus on delivering high-quality, innovative, and eco-friendly products has made it a preferred choice for students and educational institutions across India. With its continuous efforts to meet the needs of its consumers, Classmate remains a trusted and reliable brand in the stationery industry.

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