Is Pears an Indian Company?

No, Pears is not an Indian company. Pears is a renowned brand known for its transparent soap, which has been a household name for many years. It is owned by the British-Dutch multinational consumer goods company, Unilever. Despite its foreign origins, Pears soap is widely used and loved in India.

Pears Company Information


Feature Details
Parent Company Unilever
Founded 1807
Founder Andrew Pears
Headquarters London, United Kingdom
Products Transparent soap, Body wash, Hand wash
Market Presence Global
Notable Feature First transparent soap

History of Pears Soap Brand

Pears soap was first produced and sold in 1807 by Andrew Pears in London. Andrew Pears, a barber by profession, developed the first transparent soap using a unique process that removed impurities and provided a gentle cleansing effect. This innovation made Pears soap a standout product, gaining popularity in Britain and eventually worldwide.

In 1917, the company was acquired by Lever Brothers, which later became part of Unilever, one of the world’s leading consumer goods companies. Pears soap continued to be a favorite for its mild formula and distinctive amber color.

Current Market Status

In 2024, Pears remains a popular choice for consumers seeking gentle and effective skincare products. In India, Pears soap has a strong presence and is trusted by many households for its purity and mildness. The brand has expanded its product line to include body washes and hand washes, catering to the evolving needs of modern consumers.

Unilever ensures that Pears maintains its traditional formula while also adapting to contemporary market demands. The brand’s advertising campaigns in India emphasize its heritage and the gentle care it offers, resonating with Indian consumers who value both tradition and quality.

Pears’ commitment to sustainability is evident in its production processes, which aim to reduce environmental impact. The brand’s packaging is designed to be eco-friendly, aligning with global efforts to promote sustainable living.

In conclusion, while Pears is not an Indian company, its long-standing presence and popularity in India make it a beloved brand among Indian consumers. Its gentle, transparent soap continues to be a preferred choice for skincare, maintaining its legacy of quality and trust.

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